Our Part Numbers are Meaningful

In fact, the alpha-numeric model number system reveals almost all of the information that differentiates one fan from the next. The model number will tell you: fan series, type of ventilation (supply or exhaust), number of speeds, blade diameter, horsepower, motor type, and voltage and phase.
The Triangle Part Number Deconstructed: RVI4815T-X
- The two-four character alpha code at the beginning indicates the Fan Series (V, VI, VID, VIK).
- Model numbers beginning with “R” denote a supply fan, those without an “R” present signify exhaust fan.
- The two-digit number following the alpha code indicates the fan blade diameter
- Next, the number of speeds the fan offers will be indicated with a “1” for single speed, a “2” for two speed and so on.
- The final numeric character indicates the fan’s horsepower. The numeric characters 1-9 are matched with horsepower 1/4HP- 5HP.
- Alpha characters are assigned to motors with horsepowers ranging from 7 1/2 – 25.
- The motor type is designated by “T” for totally enclosed motor, “HL” for a hazardous location motor or no letters or blank indicates open drip motor.
- The last alpha code U-Z found after the “-” at the end of the alpha-numeric codes indicates voltage and phase. Fans not available with different voltage and phase options will have no alpha code at the ends.
Still have Questions about Triangle Engineering’s Model Numbers?
No problem. We are here to help. Call 501-982-7558 M-F 8 am-4:30 pm CST or email Customer Service at any time. Questions will be answered in the order they are received during our normal hours of operation. Please note we are closed for most but not all federal holidays.